Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blog 19

For my fourth essay I want to write about my college experience now that its almost over. I want to talk about the big events and experiences I had during that time, and how it changed me. Some of the big events I want to talk about are the marriage of my cousin who I was very close to and how it changed our relationship, I want to talk about some great friends I've met during that time period, and bad fights I had with people I used to be close with that I no longer am.

I also want to talk about some important sites during that time like the university center where I spent so much time with my friends, the office in my house I spend so much time working on school projects, the car that gave me freedom to go anywhere I wanted that I never had the opportunity to do so before, and the basketball court in the park in my hometown where I kept in touch with my old friends from high school.

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