Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blog 24

Questions: 1. Meeting course objectives
1-What did you learn in this course?

I learned different writings techniques that I have never used before. I learned to think outside the box and that something’s may have more meaning behind it than it initially seems.

2-About the form of CNF?

I learned how write in metaphors and the art of suggestion. A lot of the writers we studied used the same technique.

3-What did you learn about how to write CNF?

I learned how to write a piece that has a certain theme, all of my writings before were just straight forward that left nothing to imagination.

4-About where to publish/find publishing venues for your creative writing?

There are many journals and thus there is something for everyone. I should research the journals and find the one that best fits my piece.

5-Did you change anything /try anything different in your writing process? Please describe.

I tried looking deeper into my essays. For instance, in the essay I wrote about all my friends moving away as I got older I actually wrote about how I felt when it happened instead of just writing what happened.

6-Which class assignments/class experiences helped you learn whatever you learned?

All of the essays and essay revisions helped me the most.

7-What do you wish the course spent more time on?

Everyone reading their own writings and having people give feedback.

Questions: 2. Structure of course/assignments Assignments
1-Right pace/schedule?

The pace was fine but sometimes hard to keep track because the calandar was a bit confusing.

2-Coherence of material?

I understood everything.

3-Workload => Too much, too little, just right? What would you change?

The workload was fine but I would recommend following the calendar better. I was lost a couple of times this semester because the calendar kept changing.

4-Cover material appropriate to course goals?

Yes. Covered a lot of things that helped me.

5-Enough feedback for grades?


Questions: 3. Provisions for feedback/grades
1-Which form of feedback was most helpful?

The teacher conferences.

2-Which did you enjoy most?

The teacher conferences was the best cause it provided me with ideas and angles to my stories that I would have not have thought of.

3-Any which you felt was unproductive?


4-What would you do more of?

reading others blog entries and leaving comments.

5-What would you do less of?

Public speaking and speaking in front of the class.

6-Did you feel the grading system was fair?


7-Did the grades/grading system contribute to learning?


Questions: 4. General response
1-Is there anything you could tell me that would help me teach a better/more engaging course?

When the class changed the calendar I got confused on what was the homework and when it was due. Following the calendar exactly as it was printed would have been much easier.

2-Anything you want to say about your experience of the course?

It was fun and I plan on taking more writing classes.

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